Supplier Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started
Welcome to Headshop!
In order to become a supplier on Headshop, the following requirements must be met:
You must provide high quality products with product photography and descriptions that are ready-to-market.
You must manufacture your own products or hold inventory of your products in your own warehouses. Resellers without inventory do not qualify as a supplier.
You must be able to offer competitive wholesale pricing for your products. In order to find success as a Headshop supplier, merchants need to see a profit margin. This incentivizes them to grow their businesses with your products. Our recommended discount is 40% off of your retail price as we see the most amount of success with this margin.
Minimum Order Quantity
We do not support minimum order quantities on Headshop.
Shipping Fees
You must provide reasonable shipping fees. Exorbitant shipping fees often stop merchants from considering your products for their catalog and may also result in your Headshop account being terminated.
Once you have become a supplier on Headshop, you have the following responsibilities to remain a Headshop supplier:
Wholesale prices and shipping costs should not be increased once your products are live in the app. We understand that pricing may reasonably change due to circumstances out of your control, however, if you plan to have any price increase please send us a notification for review.
Shipment Packaging
We understand that your logo may exist on your products or packaging. However, beyond that, we do not allow any promotional material that lead customers to your own website. Orders must be shipped without any promotional material or wholesale pricing information.
Order Processing
You are required to process orders within 2-3 business days of the order being received. Orders will come directly to your Shopify store or you will an email notification for each order ready to be fulfilled. You are required to maintain an order success rate of 95% or more as this allows retailers selling your product to build repeat purchases. Suppliers who are unable to provide reliable order fulfillment risk losing their account on Headshop.
Shipping and Tracking
All orders are required to ship with a tracking number and be received by the customer within the delivery timeframe of the shipping method used.
Payout Schedule
All suppliers are paid for fulfilled orders during the 1st and 15th of each month. Payments are made via direct deposit.
We have established these guidelines to create a community of retailers in the cannabis industry who want to sell your products to build their business and customer base. The ultimate goal is to support you and your retailers as we watch both synergies grow.
Product Optimization
High Resolution Photos - Retailers are more inclined to promote and sell your products when they include high resolution images. For the best results, we encourage providing both product photos and lifestyle photos with your products.
Detailed Descriptions - Provide detailed descriptions for your products to help retailers understand product benefits and answer any customer questions.
Pricing - We recommend offering retailers at least a 40% profit margin. This encourages retailers to market and advertise your products to their customers while still leaving room for profit.
Categories - Make sure your products are assigned to any and all relevant app categories. This makes it easier for retailers to discover your products on Headshop.
Quick turnaround - Retailers expect dropship orders to be shipped in 3 business days or less. Consistently meeting this expectation for order turnaround times is an important part of increasing sales on Headshop.
Packing slips - We ask all suppliers to remove any pricing information and promotional material from packaging for dropship orders. Failing to do so will likely result in retailers removing your products from their store.
Promoting on Headshop
Marketing Collateral - Provide promotional banners, images, and/or videos that retailers can use to promote your products and brand to their customers.
The Shopify supplier integration has changed as a result of this most recent update. These changes introduce highly requested features intended to make product management much easier for suppliers. Let’s review the major changes made to the Shopify integration below.
Product import
Previously, suppliers manually imported products from their Shopify collections into the app.
Now, all supplier Shopify products are automatically imported into the app in DRAFT status.
While in DRAFT status, products cannot be purchased or viewed by retailers.
Publishing products
Previously, products imported from Shopify needed to be activated by the Headshop Works team for retailers to view and purchase them.
Now, suppliers have full control over when products are made available to retailers by publishing DRAFT products in their app catalog. This allows for time to edit product information and pricing as needed prior to offering them to retailers.
Product sync
Previously, updates made to products in a supplier’s Shopify store did not automatically sync with the app.
Now, suppliers can opt to automatically sync their app catalog as changes are made to their products in Shopify. For example, if a new variant is added to an existing product in Shopify, suppliers can opt to automatically import the new product variant to the app without the need for manually importing the new variant.
Price breaks
Now that wholesale buying is available in the app, suppliers can apply price breaks based on order quantity to their products.
For example, a product may have a $10 wholesale price for orders containing 1-10 units, and an $8 wholesale price for orders containing 11-20 units.
Order discounts
Previously, suppliers needed to reach out to the Headshop Works team to apply order discounts to specific retailers in the app.
Now, suppliers can manually add order discounts to their entire account or to a specific retailer through the app.
Previously, suppliers needed to reach out to Headshop Works to apply tax rates to their account.
Now, suppliers can manually add taxes to their account in the app.
Order Fees
Previously, suppliers needed to reach out to Headshop Works to apply order fees to their account.
Now, suppliers can manually add order fees to their account in the app. For example, a supplier may require a $2 fee for dropship orders.
Exclusive Collections
Suppliers can now create their own exclusive collections in the app.
An exclusive collection is a group of products that are only available to a group of retailers selected by the supplier in the app.
Managing Orders
When an order is in Ordered status, you can manually cancel specific order items or the entire order in the app.
Only orders in Ordered status can be cancelled in the app.
To cancel an order, first go to the Orders page from the top menu.
Select View Details on the order you want to cancel.
From the Order Details page, click Select All or select the checkboxes next to the specific order items you want to cancel.
Select the Actions dropdown menu, then select Cancel Items.
Select Cancel Order Items.
All selected order items will be set to Cancelled status.
If all order items are set to Cancelled, the entire order will be updated to Cancelled status.
Once an order has been cancelled, no further updates can be made.
When an order is in Ordered status, you can manually add tracking to the order in the app.
Only orders in Ordered status can be updated with tracking information.
To add tracking to an order in the app, first go to the Orders page from the top menu.
Select View Details on the order you want to add tracking to.
From the Order Details page, click Select All to add tracking to all order items or select the checkbox next to the specific order items you want to add tracking to.
Select the Actions dropdown menu, then select Set Shipped.
Enter the tracking number, then select Set to Shipped.
The tracking number will be added to each order item selected.
If all order items were selected, the order will update to Shipped status.
Please note that if you are using the Shopify integration for wholesale and dropship orders, you can add tracking to the order directly in Shopify and the order will automatically update with tracking information in the app.
To view orders, first go to the Orders page from the top menu.
From the Orders page, you can view all your dropship and wholesale orders.
To filter orders by status, select one or more of the checkboxes next to each status.
All orders fall under one of the following statuses:
Using the dropdown menu on the left of the search field, you can search for orders based on the following attributes:
Order ID
Product Name
Product ID
For more search options, select the Advanced Filter dropdown.
Using the advanced search filter, you can search for orders using a combination of the following attributes:
Order ID
Product Name
Platform ID
Variant ID
Customer Name
Customer Email
Postal Code
To view details for a specific order, select View Details.
On the Order Details page, you can view all relevant information related to the order including:
Order status
Order items
Platform order ID
Order history
Customer information
Order summary
Product Managment
Price breaks allow you to offer discounted wholesale prices to retailers for individual products based on order quantities.
For example, one of your products may have a wholesale price of $10 for 1-10 units. You can add a price break for 11-20 units at a discounted wholesale price of $8. To take advantage of the $8 wholesale price, a retailer will need to purchase 11-20 units of the product. If less than 11 units are purchased, then the original $10 wholesale price will be applied to the order.
There are several ways to add or update price breaks in your supplier account.
Adding price breaks manually
To add or edit price breaks for a single product, first go to the Catalog page from the Products dropdown menu.
Next, select Edit on the product you would like to add price breaks to.
On the Product Edit page, scroll down to the Pricing section.

Enable the Has Price Breaks option.
Enter your start quantity, Cost Per Unit, and Fulfillment Time for your first price break.
To add additional price breaks, select Add Price Break.
The start quantity of the next price break must be higher than the end quantity of the previous price break.
Once you’ve finished adding price breaks, select Save and the product will be updated with the added price breaks.
Adding price breaks to multiple products
To update price breaks for multiple products at once, first go to the Catalog page from the Products dropdown menu.
Next, select the checkbox next to each product you would like to update.
Once all products are selected, select the Actions dropdown menu.
From this menu, select Set Price Breaks.

Enter your start quantity, Cost Per Unit, and Fulfillment Time for your first price break.
To add additional price breaks, select Add Price Break.
The start quantity of the next price break must be higher than the end quantity of the previous price break.
Once you’ve finished adding price breaks, select Save and the products will be updated with the added price breaks.
Adding price breaks via CSV
To set price breaks via CSV, select Price Break from the CSV Export dropdown on the Catalog page.
Enter your email address, and the price break CSV will be emailed to you.
Once you receive the CSV file, open it to edit the start quantity, end quantity, cost per unit, and fulfillment time for any product in your catalog.
To add an additional price break to a product, insert a new row in the CSV file. The Product Id and Product Name columns must match in order for multiple price breaks to be applied.
Please note that at this time the Price Break CSV only supports products without variants.
Once the CSV file is ready to be uploaded, select Price Break from the CSV Import dropdown on the Catalog page.
Add your updated CSV file and select Save.
You will receive an email notification when the import is complete. If there is an error in the CSV file, your email notification will provide more information.
To add new products in bulk, using our CSV import is the most efficient way to do so.
First, visit the Catalog page in your supplier account.
Next, select the CSV Export dropdown and select Catalog.
Enter your email address and select Save.
A CSV export of your current product catalog will be emailed to you.
When you receive the CSV export via email, download the file and open it for editing.
Since you are adding new products, delete all product information in the CSV except for the headers in row 1.
Enter the information for your new products in the following columns:
Product Name
Product Images
Product Option 1 Name (Optional)
Product Option 1 Value (Optional)
Product Option 2 Name (Optional)
Product Option 2 Value (Optional)
Product Option 3 Name (Optional)
Product Option 3 Value (Optional)
Base Cost
Product Variant Images
Shipping Methods
Track Inventory
Inventory Count
Length Width (Optional)
Height (Optional)
Dimension Unit (Optional)
Weight (Optional)
Weight Unit (Optional)
UPC (Optional)
Any columns listed as optional or not included in the list above can be left blank.
Please note that SKUs must be unique to each variant.
Once you’ve added your new product data, download the file as a CSV.
Go to the Catalog page in your supplier account.
Select the CSV Import dropdown and select Catalog.
Add your CSV file and enter your email address, then select Save.
You’ll receive an email once the CSV file has been uploaded and your products have been added to your account.
If there is an issue with your CSV file, you’ll receive an email providing more information regarding what needs to be updated in the file.
To edit a single product in the app, first go to the Catalog page from the Products dropdown menu.
Select Edit on the product you want to make changes to.
On the Edit Product page, you can change any product attributes under the following sections:
Basic Information
Once you’re finished making your changes, select Save at the bottom of the page.
o create a new product in the app, first go to the Catalog page from the Products dropdown menu.
Next, select Create Product.
On the Product Creation page, you can enter all relevant information related to your new product.
Basic information
Enter the title and description for your product.
HTML is supported for the product description.
If your product has multiple variants, enable the Has Multiple Variants option.
Upload your product photos with dimensions at 500px by 500px or above.
A 1:1 image ratio is recommended.
Once an image is added, you can add alt-text and reorder image positions.
Select a category and subcategory relevant to your product, then select Add Category.
You can add multiple categories and subcategories to the product.
To add a tag, you can search for existing tags or create a new tag, then select Add.
Product tags are used to help search for and sort products on your Catalog page in the app.
Weight and Dimensions
Enter width, height, length along with a dimension unit.
Enter weight along with a weight unit.
If you want the product available for dropshipping, enable the Is Dropship Eligible option.
With the option enabled, retailers can dropship the product and place wholesale orders in the app.
With the option disabled, the product is only available for wholesale buying in the app.
If you allow the product to be listed on third-party marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, enable the Is Marketplace Eligible option.
Retailers can filter search results in the app based on marketplace eligibility.
Next, enter the MSRP and Minimum Allowable Price (MAP) for the product.
The Product Order Multiple refers to the number of units a product must be ordered in for wholesale buying.
For example, if the Product Order Multiple is set to 6, retailers must order the product in multiples of 6.
In the example above, a retailer could order 6, 12, 18, 24, etc. units of the product.
If the Is Dropship Eligible option is enabled, the Product Order Multiple cannot be changed from 1.
If you want to offer price breaks for the product, enable the Has Price Breaks option.
With this option enabled, you can enter the Cost Per Unit (CPU) and fulfillment time for the first price break.
Select Add Price Break to include additional price breaks.
Adjust the start quantity of the next price break as needed, and the end quantity of the previous price break will adjust accordingly.
When the Has Price Breaks option is disabled, simply enter the cost and fulfillment time.
Cost is the price you’ll be paid when a retailer orders the product whether for a dropship or wholesale order.
In this section, you can add an existing tax or create a new tax for the product.
Every product tax requires a Name, Tax Code, Rate, Type, and Country.
If your product has regional shipping restrictions, add them in this section.
Select a country and province, then select Zone to add the restriction.
Restrictions can be applied to specific provinces or entire countries.
You should only apply restrictions within the regions you ship to.
For example, if you do not include Canada as an available shipping destination, there is no need to add Canada as a restriction.
An example of a situation where a restriction is needed would be if you offer shipping to the USA, but cannot ship to addresses in a specific state. In this case, adding a restriction for the specific state would be necessary.
Enter the SKU and UPC for the product in this section.
A SKU is required and must be unique for each product in your catalog.
A UPC is not required.
In this section, you can set inventory levels and backorder settings.
If you want to track inventory for the product, enable the Track Inventory option and enter an inventory quantity.
If you want to allow backorders, enable the Allow Backorders option and enter your next replenishment date.
Add existing shipping profiles or create new ones in this section.
Both Flat Rate and Dynamic shipping profiles are available.
Flat rate shipping profiles require a base price for the first unit and an additional item cost for any additional units in the order.
For example, if the base price is $5 and the additional item cost is $2, you would be paid a total of $9 shipping for an order with 3 units. ($5 + $2 + $2)
Dynamic shipping profiles use live carrier rates to calculate shipping costs based on product dimensions, product weight, and the shipping address of the order.
By default, the app will apply the lowest carrier rate during retailer checkout.
If the Has Variants option is enabled, you can add your variant option(s) in this section.
Examples of variant options are color, size, material, etc.
Enter your first variant option, then select Add New Option.
Once the option is added, you can enter all option values.
For example, red, green, and blue could be values for the Color option.
As option values are added, your variants will populate in the Product Variants section.
Product Variants
In this section, you can edit attributes for specific product variants.
Enter a SKU for the variant and UPC if available.
Next, set inventory levels if Track Inventory is enabled.
Finally, you can override Weight and Dimensions, Pricing, or Shipping for the specific variant.
By default, values from the early sections of the product edit page will apply to all variants.
Use the overrides to set specific values for each variant.
Once you have finished filling out all product information, select Create.
To bulk update products, first go to the Catalog page from the Products dropdown menu.
Next, select the checkbox next to each product you would like to update.
Once all products are selected, select the Actions dropdown menu.
From this menu, you can perform the following bulk updates:
Set Price Breaks
Add Tags
Add Categories
Add Taxes
Publish Products
Unpublish Products
Delete Products
To publish multiple products, make sure all products selected are in DRAFT status.
To unpublish multiple products, make sure all products are in ACTIVE status.
To edit product statuses, first go to the Catalog page from the Products dropdown menu.
All products have two statuses: ACTIVE and DRAFT.
ACTIVE products are Published and can viewed and purchased by retailers.
DRAFT products are Unpublished and cannot be viewed or purchased by retailers.
To publish a DRAFT product, select the checkbox next to each product you would like to activate.
Next, click the Actions dropdown and select Publish Products.
Select Save.
A confirmation message will appear and the product will be updated to ACTIVE status.
To unpublish an ACTIVE product, select the checkbox next to each product you would like to unpublish.
Next, click the Actions dropdown and select Unpublish Products.
Select Save.
A confirmation message will appear and the product will be updated to DRAFT status.
Account Management
Shipping profiles are applied to products and variants. They determine the shipping cost for a product or variant as well as the estimated delivery window.
To create a new shipping profile, first go the Account page.
Next, select General under the Shipping Methods section of the sidebar menu.
On the Shipping Methods page, select Add New to begin creating a new Shipping Profile.
When creating a new shipping profile, you can set the following attributes:
Enter a name for your Shipping Profile. We recommend naming your Shipping profile based on the destination country or the product category it will be applied to.
For example, “Domestic Shipping” or “Water Pipe Shipping”.
Select Flat or Dynamic shipping for your Shipping Profile. Flat shipping is a single, flat rate price that applies to all orders for the product. Dynamic shipping uses live rates to calculate the shipping cost when an order is placed.
At this time, Dynamic shipping is only available to select suppliers.
Enter the flat rate price for your shipping profile. The price you set will be the shipping cost you receive for an order of the product.
For example, if you set a $5 price, you will be paid $5 for a fulfilled order containing the product.
Additional Item Cost
The additional item cost is the added shipping cost for an order with more than one product using the same shipping profile.
For example, if you set a $5 price with a $1 additional shipping cost, an order for two products using the same shipping profile will have a total shipping cost of $6.
Estimated Delivery
Select the estimated delivery window for the shipping profile.
Origin Country
Select the country product using this shipping profile will be shipped from.
Shipping Destination
Select the Country and Provinces that products using this shipping profile can be shipped to.
If the shipping profile applies to an entire country, you can select the X icon next to the province, then select Add to include the entire country.
Any orders with a country or province that is not included in the Shipping Destination list will not be processed.
Once you are finished filling out your shipping profile, select Save Changes.
Your new shipping profile has been created and can be applied to future or existing products.
All suppliers on Headshop are paid on the 1st and 15th of each month via direct deposit. For most suppliers, this payout is received into your bank account within 24 hours of being processed.
Payouts only include orders from the previous period that have been shipped.
Integration Settings
To set Product Update settings for your products, first go to the Account page.
Next, select General under the Integrations section of the sidebar menu.
Under the Product Update Settings section, you can select which product attributes you want to be automatically updated based on changes made to products in your Shopify store.
Please note that any changes made to a product in Shopify will trigger our system to apply the Product Update settings active in your account.
Let’s review each of the attributes below:
If active, we will import changes to the title on your existing products.
If active, we will import changes to the description on your existing products.
If active, we will import changes to inventory on your existing products.
If active, we will import changes to prices on your existing products. We recommend that you do not enable this product update if you frequently change the price of your products in Shopify.
If active, we will import new images on your existing products.
If active, we will import changes to tags and collections on your existing products. We recommend enabling this attribute to help edit products in bulk in the app.
If active, we will import changes to SKUs on your existing products.
If active, we will import changes to dimensions on your existing products.
Pull New Product
If active, we will import newly created products from your ecommerce platform.
Pull New Variant
If active, we will import newly created variants on existing products from your ecommerce platform.
Here are two examples to further illustrate how the Product Update works:
Example A
Your account has the following product attributes enabled for Product Updates:
In your Shopify store, you edit the title of a product.
Once your edits are saved in Shopify, our system will automatically trigger a Product Update.
The new product title will be applied to your product in the app, and our system will also check for any additional Title, Image, or SKU updates for your products.
Any changes made to the Title, Image, or SKU of other products in Shopify will be applied to the app as well.
Example B
Your account has the following product attributes enabled for Product Updates:
In your Shopify store, you edit the tags of a product.
Once your edits are saved in Shopify, our system will automatically trigger a Product Update.
The new product tags will be applied to your product in the app, and our system will automatically check for any additional tag updates for your products.
Our system will also apply your Price Multipliers to every product currently in the app. This is the function of the Price attribute. We highly recommend you do not enable this attribute unless all products in your catalog use the same Price Multipliers, and you prices do not change frequently.
Once you’ve selected which attributes you would like to enable for automatic Price Updates, select Save.
Any product changes made in Shopify will not be reflected in the app based on the attributes you enable.
To sync new products from your Shopify store to the app, first go to the Account page.
Next, select General under the Integrations section of the sidebar menu.
In the Integration Settings section of this page, you can adjust your price multipliers to set pricing for new products synced to the app.
The price multipliers include Cost, MSRP, and MAP.
Adjust your multipliers accordingly, then select Save.
This will automatically trigger any new products or variants in your Shopify store to sync to the app.
Once products are synced, they can be found in your Catalog page.
New products will be synced in DRAFT status, so you will need to publish them before they are available to retailers.