How Many Bong Rips Does it Take to Get Stoned? Exploring the Science

by Matt Hampton

How many bong hits to get stoned

Exploring the Science of Cannabis Intoxication and the Answer to 'How Many Bong Rips to Get Stoned?'

Ever wondered just how many bong rips it takes to sail into the high seas of stoned bliss? With different cannabis strains and personal tolerances at play, there's no one-size-fits-all answer.

This article will dive into the science of cannabis intoxication and help you estimate your own magic number for achieving that perfect high. Ready for a deep dive into the green waters? Let's explore. 

Understanding the Bong

Bongs, also known as water pipes, are a go-to for stoners wanting to maximize their high. These glass or plastic devices use water to filter and cool the smoke from your dry herb. This makes each hit smoother, allowing for larger inhales and a more potent experience.

They come in various shapes and sizes, with some featuring ice catches or percolators for an even chillier drag.

As experienced smokers will tell you, using a bong is not just about packing the bowl; it's an art form. The water acts as a sieve, trapping some of the nasties found in weed smoke without losing the good stuff—THC.

Whether you've got a simple setup or something that looks like it belongs in a mad scientist’s lab, mastering your bong technique can take your cannabis consumption to new heights.

Next up: How do you actually smoke out of one?.

How Do You Smoke Out of a Bong??

Lighting up a bong is all about understanding its parts and using them to your advantage. A proper technique ensures you get the best hit every time. Here's how to do it:

  • Start by filling the water bong's base with enough water to submerge the downstem, ensuring optimal filtration.
  • Grind your weed finely to increase its surface area for better combustion when you light it up.
  • Pack the ground cannabis into the bowl piece snugly but don't overpack, which can obstruct airflow.
  • Place your mouth on the mouthpiece, forming a tight seal so no smoke escapes while you inhale.
  • Ignite the herb in the bowl with a lighter or hemp wick as you slowly draw in with your lungs, not your mouth for complete inhalation.
  • Watch the smoke billow inside the transparent chamber; this tells you that it’s working right.
  • Once you’ve filled the chamber with enough smoke to your liking, lift or slide out the bowl to open up airflow.
  • Inhale deeply and swiftly to clear all of that mighty pleasant smoke from inside the chamber, delivering a potent high.
  • Hold in the hit briefly but don’t overdo it—after several seconds, let it out and enjoy as needed.

 The Science of Cannabis Intoxication

Once you've learned the ropes of bong usage, it’s time to dive into what happens in your brain on that ride to cloud nine. THC from cannabis hits your system swiftly when smoked through a bong, speeding towards receptors in your brain with gusto.

This rapid delivery is the thrill-seeking stoner's dream – quick, intense effects that can be more potent than other smoking methods.

Your lungs are key players in this process, taking in the THC-laden smoke and passing its psychoactive gifts straight into your bloodstream. But here's a twist: contrary to popular dope lore, holding your breath won't boost your high; there’s only so much THC our lungs can handle at once.

Meanwhile, vaporizers offer a lung-friendly option for those who prefer their sessions minus most of the smoke-related toxins. By heating weed just enough to release its cannabinoids without combusting plant material, vape pens deliver cleaner hits – a sweet spot some argue gets you plenty high without as much harm.

Bong Vs. Other Smoking Methods: Do Bongs Get You Higher?

When it comes to achieving that sky-high feeling, the debate is heated – do bongs catapult you higher than other methods? Dive into the smoke-filled showdown as we explore whether these water-filtered wonders truly offer a more intense experience compared to their fiery counterparts.

Bongs Vs. Pipes

Alright, fellow tokers, let's delve into the epic showdown between bongs and pipes, breaking down the highs and lows of each. It's an age-old debate in the cannabis community, and we're here to provide you with the straight dope on which method might elevate your next session.


Bongs Pipes
Uses water filtration to cool and purify smoke. Provides a more direct, unfiltered hit.
Typically offers a smoother, less harsh inhalation. Smoke can be hotter and more irritating to the throat.
Smoke sessions can be more intense due to larger hits. More suitable for controlled, smaller hits.
Great for sharing with friends during a sesh. Convenient for a quick, solo toke.
Can be more of a hassle to set up and clean. Generally easy to use and maintain.
Often more expensive, but can be a work of art. More affordable and portable.
Can conserve your stash by getting you higher with less. Less efficient in terms of weed conservation.
Requires more lung capacity and technique for proper use. Simpler to use, no special breathing technique needed.


Deciding between bongs and pipes is like choosing between a craft beer and a shot of whiskey; both have their time and place. Whether you prefer the ritualistic preparation of a bong or the straightforward simplicity of a pipe, you're in for a good time. Remember to consider your preferences, setting, and bud budget when making the choice. Keep it green and serene, folks!

Bongs Vs. Bowls

If you're curious about whether bongs or bowls offer a more intense experience, you're not alone. Stoners have long debated the merits of both, so let's dive into the nitty-gritty of bongs versus bowls.


Bongs Bowls
Allow for larger hits and more smoke Typically meant for smaller, more personal sessions
Often deliver a smoother hit due to water filtration Hits can be harsher since there's no water to cool the smoke
Can get you higher with fewer hits, according to users May require more hits to achieve the same level of high
More ritualistic and involved, possibly enhancing the experience Quick and convenient for on-the-go use
Require more maintenance and cleaning Easier to clean and maintain
Variety of sizes and designs available, can be quite artistic Generally more discreet and portable
Users report a more instantaneous high High might creep up more gradually


As you can see, whether you choose a bong or a bowl can affect your high and your smoking experience as a whole. While bongs might offer that powerful punch you're looking for, bowls bring a simplicity and ease that's hard to beat. It's all about personal preference and the kind of journey you're after. Now that we've smoked out the differences between bongs and bowls, let's talk about how to hit a bong correctly for the most optimal high.

Hitting a Bong Correctly for the Most Optimal High

Getting the most out of your bong starts with the right technique. Pack your bowl with finely ground weed; this increases the surface area for the flame to work its magic and ensures even burning.

Position yourself so you can comfortably draw from the bong, light it up and inhale steadily but not too quickly, allowing smoke to fill your lungs without overwhelming them. The water acts as a filter and cooler, meaning you can enjoy a smoother hit that's easier on your throat.

As you get ready to clear that milky smoke from the chamber, hold off on full force until you've mastered controlling your breath. A deep inhalation at just the right moment maximizes THC absorption in your lungs and delivers an optimal high from each pull.

Pro tip: keep an eye on how much smoke accumulates before taking a hit – tailoring this amount lets you gauge what works best for both newbies and seasoned smokers alike. Remember, regular cleaning of your bong isn't just about hygiene; it also keeps airways open for that perfect hit every time.


How Many Bong Rips to Get Stoned??

If you've ever found yourself pondering the cosmic question of just how many bong rips it takes to reach the stoned promised land, you're not alone. It's a query as timeless as the sticky icky itself, but the gateway to that answer lies in understanding your own cannabis cosmos—your tolerance level.

Understanding Your Tolerance

Getting a grip on your unique tolerance is key to a stellar high without the overkill. Every individual dances to their own rhythm when it comes to how much weed they can handle before they're sky-high.

You might see one person take multiple bong rips and still crush at video games, while another could be giggling at the ceiling after just one hit. It’s not about keeping up with your buddy; it's about understanding what works for you.

Figuring out the sweet spot starts with paying attention to how you feel after each rip. Opting for smaller hits might not seem as heroic, but trust us, it's easier on both your lungs and wallet in the long run.

Switch things up occasionally, perhaps using a glass pipe or gravity bong instead of your usual setup – sometimes all it takes is a minor change in smoking frequency or method to launch you into new heights of euphoria.

Highlighting Bong Accessories Available on

Elevate your smoke sessions with premium bong accessories from Discover tools and add-ons to make each hit smoother, cleaner, and downright cooler.


  • Gumdrop Buttons Gingerbread Cup Bong: Dive into holiday vibes any day with this gingerbread-themed bong, adding a sprinkle of fun to your collection.
  • March Martian Spaceship Bong: Blast off to new heights with this spaceship design that promises an out-of-this-world smoking experience.
  • Premium Dab Tool: Upgrade your dabbing game with a high-quality tool designed for precision and durability.
  • "Pencil" Dab Tool: Sketch out the perfect session with this creatively designed dabber that combines functionality and whimsy.
  • Smojo Screen: Keep it clean with a Smojo screen that prevents clogging and ensures nothing but pure hits every time.
  • Raw Snuffer Smoke Extinguisher: Put out your bowl effortlessly without losing any precious smoke - ideal for savers and safety-conscious smokers.
  • Rave Dino Box: Party like it's the Mesozoic era with the Rave Dino Box, merging paleontology fun with your stoner lifestyle.
  • Winter Stonerland Smoking Box: Chill out and get cozy with this winter-themed set that adds a festive twist to smoking weed.
  • Dia de los muertos Box: Celebrate life and beyond with this vibrant box, honoring tradition while enjoying your favorite herb.



1. What factors determine how many bong rips it takes to get stoned?

Several variables, including a person's tolerance, the cannabis strain potency, and the amount smoked in each rip can influence how quickly someone feels stoned.

2. Is smoking from a bong more effective than other methods of consuming cannabis?

While individual experiences may vary, many users believe that using a bong can intensify the effects of weed due to the concentration of smoke inhaled.

3. Can you compare getting stoned with edibles versus smoking through a bong?

Edibles typically take longer to affect users than smoking does; however, their effects often last longer and can be more intense due to how THC is metabolized when eaten rather than smoked.

4. What's an alternative method for those who prefer not to smoke weed but still want similar effects?

For those seeking an alternative to smoking, using a volcano vaporizer might offer potent results without combustion by heating cannabis just enough to release THC through vapor.


Finding your sweet spot with bong rips is a personalized journey, one that combines art and science. Every pull from the bong can be a step closer to perfecting your high. Remember, it's not about keeping score but enjoying the ride.

Keep experimenting responsibly and listen to your body – it’s the best guide you have to reaching those cloud nine vibes!

For a detailed guide on mastering the art of bong smoking, check out our step-by-step tutorial here.

  • The number of bong rips required to get stoned varies for each person based on their tolerance and the cannabis strain.
  • Bongs, or water pipes, cool and filter smoke through water, often resulting in a smoother hit than unfiltered methods like pipes or bowls.
  • THC is absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream when smoking from a bong, potentially leading to more intense effects compared to other methods.
  • Proper technique is crucial for an optimal high from a bong; this includes using finely ground weed, correct breathing patterns, and regular cleaning of the bong.
  • Personal experience with cannabis should guide how many hits one takes from a bong rather than trying to match others' consumption levels.

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