Herb Slides

5 products

    Hey there, herbal enthusiasts! Welcome to the ultimate accessory corner at Headshop.com – our Herb Slide collection. If you're looking to upgrade your smoking gear with stylish and functional slides, you're in the right place. These beauties are designed to make your sessions smoother, more enjoyable, and a whole lot cooler. Let’s dive into the world of top-tier herb slides!

    5 products
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    Empire Glassworks Bowl Piece
    from $47.98
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    Pulsar Worked Swirl Herb Slide - Colors Vary

    About Herb Slides

    Herb slides, also known as bowl pieces, are an essential part of any smoking setup. They hold your ground herb and help ensure even burning for the perfect hit. A quality slide can enhance your smoking experience, providing better airflow, easier handling, and a touch of personal style. Whether you’re upgrading your bong or replacing a broken piece, our collection has something for everyone.

    Our Herb Slide Lineup:

    • Glass Herb Slides: Handcrafted from durable, heat-resistant glass, these slides offer pure, untainted flavor and a sleek aesthetic. Available in various designs and sizes.
    • Ceramic Herb Slides: Known for their excellent heat retention and unique styles, ceramic slides add a touch of elegance to your setup.
    • Metal Herb Slides: Rugged and durable, metal slides are perfect for those who need a sturdy, long-lasting option. Easy to clean and maintain.
    • Quartz Herb Slides: For the connoisseur who wants the best of the best, quartz slides provide superior heat resistance and a smooth, clean taste.


    What exactly is an herb slide? An herb slide is the bowl piece that holds your ground herb in a bong or water pipe. It's an essential part of your setup, ensuring that your herb burns evenly and efficiently.

    Why should I upgrade my herb slide? Upgrading your herb slide can enhance your smoking experience by providing better airflow, improved flavor, and a more aesthetically pleasing setup. Plus, it’s always nice to personalize your gear!

    Are glass slides better than metal or ceramic ones? It depends on your preference. Glass slides offer pure flavor and are visually appealing, while metal slides are durable and easy to clean. Ceramic slides retain heat well and come in unique designs. Quartz slides are prized for their superior heat resistance and taste purity.

    How do I choose the right size herb slide? Herb slides come in various joint sizes, typically 14mm and 18mm. Make sure to check the joint size of your bong or water pipe to ensure a proper fit.

    How do I clean my herb slide? Cleaning your herb slide is easy. Soak it in isopropyl alcohol and salt, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. For stubborn residue, use a pipe cleaner or brush to scrub it clean.

    Can I use these slides with any bong? As long as the joint size matches, you can use our herb slides with any bong or water pipe. Just ensure you’re selecting the correct size for your setup.

    Ready to elevate your smoking sessions with our premium Herb Slide collection? Explore our range and find the perfect piece to complement your style and needs. Peace, love, and smooth hits await!